Morning Affirmations

These are the affirmations/incantations I tell myself every morning as I get ready to face the day.

Eye Drops - Help me see the inspiration all around me.

Dark Spot Serum - Fade away the dark patches that no longer serve me.

Eye Cream - Always look for the good.

Moisturizer - Smooth out the wrinkles in my day.

Primer - Ready my spirit for infinite abundance

Foundation/Tinted Sunscreen - Lay a foundation of truth and strength.

Concealer - Conceal my insecurities and replace them with confidence.

Lipstick - Bring words of truth, integrity, and kindness to my lips.

Eye Shadow - Lift the veil, that I may see truths other than my own.

Eyeliner - Define the magic in my path.

Blush - Fill my day with love,happiness, and color.

Highlighter - Illuminate synchronicity, that I may flow with the Universe.

Eyebrows - Carve out space for me to expand and grow in love.

Mascara - Open my eyes to the beauty and miracles around me.

Setting Spray - And so it is!

It seems to help me set my intentions and get off on the right foot.  I hope it helps you!



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